Monday, April 30, 2012

Dear friends

Welcome and thank you for coming. To avoid the impression that these stories are scripted for the purpose of selling you something you may not want or we are vaguely commercializing our home-based online business, we decided to use the word "true" into the heading of our stories.

In this busy world it is refreshing to find these people who still make time to write and share their stories that we all need to be kind and have the faith to believe that the more you give, the more you receive.

You will see that our business practice is to help ourselves by helping others FIRST. Therefore these stories are written from the hearts to share their successful online business together.

While other Resellers go about sharing their stories in their own quiet nature to achieve our world of helping hands, I hope that you could join us to achieve your goal in life too, having read their true stories.

Some tell about their determination to achieve their life goals, others are slowly re-building their self confidence, some simply want to let the world know that there is a better solution to all your financial needs while you are still able to do so and not wait until it is too late.

Our business is made up of people from all walks of life and with different level of talent, skill and experiences. Our business culture is all about being fair and equal, respectful of an individual, a team of like-minded business people and anyone is paid generously for their effort.

Please enjoy our stories and we hope to hear from you often.

Angeline Leong @ Chua Chu Kang Singapore

Dear fellow Reseller

I got to know about VERYGOOD through my dear friend Catherine.  Catherine and I have been friends for some time now and we have grown closer and share this special bond between us over the years.

We've seen each other through thick and thin, shared joys , sorrows and worries through this friendship. What was behind this special force, I believe (and I am sure she would agree) is God's love.

Reg: The Business is so easy right, Angie?
Catherine has always been my special angel and helper in my times when I needed a little help to get to somewhere (a job, a listening ear, companionship to share laughs, etc) she was always there for me. I have always known her to be genuine and kind whom I have grown to love as a sister.  

AND that is what's VERYGOOD all about, helping a friend in need and I was a beneficiary of this VERYGOOD deed which I am about to pay it forward to benefit my friends who need my help and at the same time help myself. I was asked a question (not in exact words though): "How do you feel about helping others and at the same time help yourself?"

I thought this question was quite bazaar and unbelievable that it could be possible in this secular world.  In the 'real' world as they say, is all about the 'ME'.  So, my initial answer
was (in a non-chalant tone) : "Yeah, of course that would be the nice"!

When Catherine shared the business model of VERYGOOD, the first thought that came to my mind was... WOW! What a way to share wealth in a non-competitive environment but one that supports a philosophy of helping others before yourself.  I thought this was a great cause.

So I started to discern, how I could make this work for me. Many a times, my plans with my pro-life movement knitting project had halted/died a natural death due to a lack of funds which had taken toil on my whatever little savings I had to buy materials to fund my projects and never went far in reaching too many.  My big plans never materialized or at least not yet.  

The shopping carts have over 4,500 thousands of products.
Nothing comes free in the secular world and it is getting more and more difficult to find people to give you money to run a cause with no questions asked!!!

One can't run away from the fact..that you do need money to do good works too.  

And I needed money to fund a good cause which I didn't have!  That was the problem!  But now, there is hope for me to grow my seed money through VERYGOOD and doing what I love again.  Thanks Catherine I am now a VERYGOOD Reseller!  

I am looking forward to an enjoyable journey and one day, I hope to look back and is all VERYGOOD! :)

Warmest regards
Angeline Leong

Mobile: +65 9337 98 90

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Catherine Lim @ Springleaf Tower Singapore

I have been an Executive Search Consultant for more than 15 years and I love the job because it allows me to share better career opportunities with people I talk to and see their lives change for better with increased income and better job environment.

Yet I am also faced with their harsh reality that there is no job security in many corporate world today. The vulnerability in job security are often without warning from being highly paid executives to a shocking retrenchment the next moment.
However most of us can be placed quickly in another company but there are those who will become casualty from the financial stress that I have seen. They have to quickly learned to cope with the sudden lose of income to finance their lifestyle and usually high mortgages.
                Many are almost un-employable due to the fierce competitiveness in their industry
as being an older applicants or simply they have ran out of ideas and talents.
The thought that I have been successful in placing professions was fulfilling and good enough in my career till I met Reginald. He showed me a whole new world about making a difference in people life without impinging on their personal finances and lifestyle.
Reginald explained that there is a better way to share VG ‘s philosophy of helping others make money and see their quality of lives changed as a result ; whilst making money for yourself and not "using or leveraging" on your friends or people.
This idea of helping yourself by helping others first does sound like a charity movement rather then a successful business model. It become very interesting when I later watched GUY KAWASAKI‘s dialogue about successful businesses always having meanings in their businesses and VG comes to mind.
I know VG will change lives because it has changed mine and I look forward to sharing this good works to people around me. I start this beautiful journey by sharing with everyone my interview with Reginald that convinces me that applying the new breed of this new corporate culture will change people life and for me it is also a change in my spirituality.
Yours sincerely
Catherine Lim

Phone : +65 9693 5663
PS. I will update my blog in a week time to include my interview with Founder, Reginald when he stopped over briefly in Singapore.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Tom and Irena Cree, Armadale, Western Australia


I have known Maxine for a couple of years.  Maxine introduced me and my husband Tom to Verygood in June of this year and we immediately signed up as Resellers.  I work full-time shift work. 

My goal is to build up my Verygood business so that eventually I will be in a position where I will have the choice to work part-time.  I still have a mortgage to pay off and enjoy my holidays abroad. 

Since joining Verygood, I have ordered items from the warehouse and have been pleased with the discount of the products and the prompt delivery of my purchases.

I have made new friends and enjoy meeting up Maxine and Reg and other Resellers of the Verygood group. 
The support of fellow resellers also inspires me to continue on this journey.
Tom and Irena Cree

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Russell Walker Sydney NSW


I am privileged to have been invited to join VeryGood. When I looked at the business model I was intrigued to find that it was absolutely unique and that it was not multi-level marketing.  I decided the business model was worthy of a trial on my part and I have not been disappointed.  On the contrary it has proved to be greater than I first understood.

I have been exposed to many business ideas over the years, including various forms of multi-level marketing.  In the past I have made six figure incomes out of MLM.  However, I have found that he multi-level marketing models require large amounts of time and effort to make them work and generally you get paid very little for a long period of time while the business is built to a profitable level.

I am excited to see that the VeryGood model makes good money right up front and rewards you generously for your effort.

These are the criteria that I apply to any business I look at, and in my opinion VeryGood satisfies them very satisfactorily:
1. Rewards generously right up front for work done – potentially, even in the first week.
2. Enables me to earn more for time put in than I could earn from working for wages.
3. Quality products that are very competitively priced
4. Products that are morally sound
5. A company that is not based on greed
6. A company founder who is genuinely interested the well being of people, who is not motivated by greed and whose lifestyle reflects a genuine commitment to helping people.
7. Provides a structure that enables people to earn what ever suites their goals – from a useful additional income from a small time commitment right up to financial independence
8. Prompt payment of commissions on a weekly basis
9. A website prepared for you that provides the structure for your business to easily operate
10. A company with the vision to move “outside the square” and to do great and creative things to seriously benefit its members and to make a positive difference in society.

I invite you to take a look at VeryGood.

Yours sincerely
Russell Walker

@ Hornsby NSW

Resellers meeting on every Wednesday 7:30 pm 
Everyone is welcome and learn to generate a regular weekly income to pay off mortgages quickly and easily.

Location : 
The Australia Institute of Learning and Congnitive Development.
Corner of Edgeworth David Avenue and Balmoral Street.
Waitara - entrance off Balmoral Street.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Inocencia, Western Australia, Fremantle


Since becoming a Re-seller for VeryGood I have had the opportunity to save on my Product Purchases. There are lots of products available in our shop for Men, Children, Pets and well known House hold Products. All at great prices as a reseller.

Verygood being an e-commerce Online business gives me the opportunity to work from home or anywhere at anytime, Its also a great way to make extra income by telling others to join and become a reseller.

We have the ability to make a potential income with people helping people make wealth. I know that for me this is a chance to get in front with all the bills that come my way.

I begin to understand the power to help myself by helping others FIRST sounded strange at first. But actually it is such beautiful business concept to help lots of people to earn those weekly extra income WITHOUT risk, high overheads and lots of time for the family and loved ones. I am going to tell it to all my friends. Its so good for everyone who join this movement of people helping themselves by helping other people first.

This is a great home based business that everyone should spare a few minutes to understand the VeryGood BCC is a brilliant way to make $200 or $500 or $1100 every week. These extra weekly can add up to $10,000, $30,000, $60,000 if you can plan out your business programme correctly. And I find it so easy to do just that. I know now this will work because the idea to pay customers to keep coming back for more is so unique.

No gimmick, no hard sales talk, and now the money I am paid to build my customers, I can afford to purchase the thousands of health and lifestyle products at wholesale prices too!

Call me and I love to show you the best way to ends all your money worries.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Clive Jamieson, Western Australia, Ballajura.


After near working myself death in the transport industry. Suffering a heart attack at the age of 48 years, I was basically forced into changing my way of life. At this stage in life I still had ambitions and things I wanted to achieve in life.

I soon found the money I had put away in the share market disappeared in the crash and me dipping into it trying to fund a different lifestyle. A full time job was not what I wanted to do anymore.

Tried some MLM companies good products and all, but the monthly buying of product soon added up. This is one of the things I like about VG no monthly auto-ship. In today's world multiple streams of income can only help but I believe we must be committed to one good source of income.

VeryGood's Business Cycle Commission is extra-odinary effective that everyone or people that follow me in VeryGood business get paid multiple times for one initial effort. The business concept is so easy to do that it takes me less then a minute to explain how anyone can earn over $140,000 or much more in their first year. And that is what I want to make as soon as I can so that I can continue my passion as a beekeeper. And this time I don't have to worry too much about money.

Their customer building relationship I found is, if I am earning $2760 every week, that could only means my people that follow me are actually earning the same as me, or even much more than me. This prove the concept works if you help yourself by helping others first. This is such an amazing business philosophy.

What encourage me most is the Founder who is willing and ready to get his hands "dirty" by working with me in finding prospects in letter dropping in my neighbourhood, my work place and introduce me to different Resellers' with special talents. 

I feel comfortable with this team of very good people, and they truly helping one another and their enthusiasm gives me confidence to all my customers. The Founder is so committed and I will follow him to do the same, to get wealthy by helping others first, and they in-turn could help others and get wealthy. It is obvious to me now, we can create a world of helping hands; if we help ourselves by helping others first.

Last but not least, thank you Margaret for introducing me VeryGood. As you said, they all work with their hearts and they have all the "right stuff".

At any time I am happy to show you how I am going to pay off my mortgages in double quick time. Please call me if you have any comment or questions. I will write again soon.

Kind regards
Clive Jamieson

Patsy, Western Australia, North Perth


My name is Patricia, but all my friends call me Patsy. I am a new Reseller for Very Good. I joined because I think it's a very honest and ethical business and its motto is "People Helping People".

In addition to that, we also sell product at discounted prices to save you money. I'm sure our partnership will be a long & pleasurable one.

Warmest regards

Jane Meilkem, Western Australia, Rockingham.

Hello there

My name is Jane Meiklem and for me, it all started off with a vibrant lady I know that is very well travelled and loves life. She introduced me to the concept of VERY GOOD. As I have tried many other systems that have failed for me, I thought - “WOW! this is something different and could go places.” As it was only just starting out in Australia, what a perfect opportunity for me to get in on the ground floor, so to speak.

After an impromptu meeting with Reginald Lee, the founder of VERY GOOD, the very next day, he spoke about his vision of VERY GOOD and I was impressed. I felt that Reg spoke from the heart and he genuinely wanted to help people so I thought” What have I got to lose” so, I decided to join and be part of the team that was to help myself and others on the road to financial freedom.

My situation at that time was that my income stream was small and I always felt that at some stage there would be a change in my life for the better. As I am a believer and check out everything that is presented to me, I had a feeling that this was the avenue for me. Maybe I should say a challenge for me, as I am a little reserved and so to have to SELL or convince people to sign up was going to be difficult for me.

I now know that at some time in one’s life, we have to face up to the things that we don’t like to do and now I know this is the time to do it. So to succeed, I have to push through that barrier, be confident and be outspoken and be articulate with my words and not retreat into thinking this is all too hard! So this is my goal and actually, a personal challenge for me!

Although I haven’t made any money yet, I am confident that the expectations of this company will slowly make the name of VERY GOOD known to many people throughout the world, with the different ideas and concepts that Reginald will bring into being. Just listening to him speak is exciting. Each reseller and preferred customer all play a part towards our goal.

What I love about VeryGood:
* Payment is EVERY week - on Sunday evening directly into your bank account
* Many different health products that I am interested in and many more coming online
* Delivered to your doorstep, no drop off to customers.
* Good support group that meets regularly.

I am excited about what is happening on the website to make things a little easier for us resellers and I just want you who are reading this, to ask yourself

“Are you in tune with what is happening around you? Maybe this is for YOU!”
I am grateful that this opportunity has come along. Thank you Reg.

Warm regards,
Jane Meiklem

Maureen Stephenson, Western Australia, North Perth.

Hello all,

Thank you for reading my true story.

Another reason being that I have my own health shop online so I am able to purchase products at a discounted price; plus I receive a bonus commission on these products.

I am also able to retail to my customers. My two favourite products and “MySkn Exfoliator” and the “Tri-Vortex card”.

They are fantastic!! In my opinion no home should ever be without them.

Warmest regards
Maureen Stephenson