Monday, April 30, 2012

Angeline Leong @ Chua Chu Kang Singapore

Dear fellow Reseller

I got to know about VERYGOOD through my dear friend Catherine.  Catherine and I have been friends for some time now and we have grown closer and share this special bond between us over the years.

We've seen each other through thick and thin, shared joys , sorrows and worries through this friendship. What was behind this special force, I believe (and I am sure she would agree) is God's love.

Reg: The Business is so easy right, Angie?
Catherine has always been my special angel and helper in my times when I needed a little help to get to somewhere (a job, a listening ear, companionship to share laughs, etc) she was always there for me. I have always known her to be genuine and kind whom I have grown to love as a sister.  

AND that is what's VERYGOOD all about, helping a friend in need and I was a beneficiary of this VERYGOOD deed which I am about to pay it forward to benefit my friends who need my help and at the same time help myself. I was asked a question (not in exact words though): "How do you feel about helping others and at the same time help yourself?"

I thought this question was quite bazaar and unbelievable that it could be possible in this secular world.  In the 'real' world as they say, is all about the 'ME'.  So, my initial answer
was (in a non-chalant tone) : "Yeah, of course that would be the nice"!

When Catherine shared the business model of VERYGOOD, the first thought that came to my mind was... WOW! What a way to share wealth in a non-competitive environment but one that supports a philosophy of helping others before yourself.  I thought this was a great cause.

So I started to discern, how I could make this work for me. Many a times, my plans with my pro-life movement knitting project had halted/died a natural death due to a lack of funds which had taken toil on my whatever little savings I had to buy materials to fund my projects and never went far in reaching too many.  My big plans never materialized or at least not yet.  

The shopping carts have over 4,500 thousands of products.
Nothing comes free in the secular world and it is getting more and more difficult to find people to give you money to run a cause with no questions asked!!!

One can't run away from the fact..that you do need money to do good works too.  

And I needed money to fund a good cause which I didn't have!  That was the problem!  But now, there is hope for me to grow my seed money through VERYGOOD and doing what I love again.  Thanks Catherine I am now a VERYGOOD Reseller!  

I am looking forward to an enjoyable journey and one day, I hope to look back and is all VERYGOOD! :)

Warmest regards
Angeline Leong

Mobile: +65 9337 98 90

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