Monday, October 17, 2011

Clive Jamieson, Western Australia, Ballajura.


After near working myself death in the transport industry. Suffering a heart attack at the age of 48 years, I was basically forced into changing my way of life. At this stage in life I still had ambitions and things I wanted to achieve in life.

I soon found the money I had put away in the share market disappeared in the crash and me dipping into it trying to fund a different lifestyle. A full time job was not what I wanted to do anymore.

Tried some MLM companies good products and all, but the monthly buying of product soon added up. This is one of the things I like about VG no monthly auto-ship. In today's world multiple streams of income can only help but I believe we must be committed to one good source of income.

VeryGood's Business Cycle Commission is extra-odinary effective that everyone or people that follow me in VeryGood business get paid multiple times for one initial effort. The business concept is so easy to do that it takes me less then a minute to explain how anyone can earn over $140,000 or much more in their first year. And that is what I want to make as soon as I can so that I can continue my passion as a beekeeper. And this time I don't have to worry too much about money.

Their customer building relationship I found is, if I am earning $2760 every week, that could only means my people that follow me are actually earning the same as me, or even much more than me. This prove the concept works if you help yourself by helping others first. This is such an amazing business philosophy.

What encourage me most is the Founder who is willing and ready to get his hands "dirty" by working with me in finding prospects in letter dropping in my neighbourhood, my work place and introduce me to different Resellers' with special talents. 

I feel comfortable with this team of very good people, and they truly helping one another and their enthusiasm gives me confidence to all my customers. The Founder is so committed and I will follow him to do the same, to get wealthy by helping others first, and they in-turn could help others and get wealthy. It is obvious to me now, we can create a world of helping hands; if we help ourselves by helping others first.

Last but not least, thank you Margaret for introducing me VeryGood. As you said, they all work with their hearts and they have all the "right stuff".

At any time I am happy to show you how I am going to pay off my mortgages in double quick time. Please call me if you have any comment or questions. I will write again soon.

Kind regards
Clive Jamieson

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