Monday, October 17, 2011

Jane Meilkem, Western Australia, Rockingham.

Hello there

My name is Jane Meiklem and for me, it all started off with a vibrant lady I know that is very well travelled and loves life. She introduced me to the concept of VERY GOOD. As I have tried many other systems that have failed for me, I thought - “WOW! this is something different and could go places.” As it was only just starting out in Australia, what a perfect opportunity for me to get in on the ground floor, so to speak.

After an impromptu meeting with Reginald Lee, the founder of VERY GOOD, the very next day, he spoke about his vision of VERY GOOD and I was impressed. I felt that Reg spoke from the heart and he genuinely wanted to help people so I thought” What have I got to lose” so, I decided to join and be part of the team that was to help myself and others on the road to financial freedom.

My situation at that time was that my income stream was small and I always felt that at some stage there would be a change in my life for the better. As I am a believer and check out everything that is presented to me, I had a feeling that this was the avenue for me. Maybe I should say a challenge for me, as I am a little reserved and so to have to SELL or convince people to sign up was going to be difficult for me.

I now know that at some time in one’s life, we have to face up to the things that we don’t like to do and now I know this is the time to do it. So to succeed, I have to push through that barrier, be confident and be outspoken and be articulate with my words and not retreat into thinking this is all too hard! So this is my goal and actually, a personal challenge for me!

Although I haven’t made any money yet, I am confident that the expectations of this company will slowly make the name of VERY GOOD known to many people throughout the world, with the different ideas and concepts that Reginald will bring into being. Just listening to him speak is exciting. Each reseller and preferred customer all play a part towards our goal.

What I love about VeryGood:
* Payment is EVERY week - on Sunday evening directly into your bank account
* Many different health products that I am interested in and many more coming online
* Delivered to your doorstep, no drop off to customers.
* Good support group that meets regularly.

I am excited about what is happening on the website to make things a little easier for us resellers and I just want you who are reading this, to ask yourself

“Are you in tune with what is happening around you? Maybe this is for YOU!”
I am grateful that this opportunity has come along. Thank you Reg.

Warm regards,
Jane Meiklem

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