Saturday, October 15, 2011

Maxine and Bill Wright, Armadale, Western Australia

Bill and Maxine Wright, Western Australia, Armadale.

Hi my name is Maxine and I would like to share with you my journey in the direct selling industry. After 39 years and around 20 different MLM companies all promising me I could make my fortune with them, I discovered that all I ever did was end up with a cupboard full of products that I needed to buy to receive my token cheque at the end of the month.

Don’t get me wrong, the majority of these companies have fantastic products but their compensation plans never stood up to the promises. Or it’s just too hard to get there.

I realized that I was never going to create a passive income going down this path.
Then to my delight along came a very good company that I have been fortunate enough to be involved with.

VeryGood has the complete package with a one off out of pocket expense with a unique payment structure that is extremely lucrative and it allows you to do the work once and receive recurring payments it also allows me to purchase my health and lifestyle products at wholesale prices in my very own online shop allowing me to save money and make money although there is no requirement to spend.

I love the fact that I am making great friendships and helping people change there financial futures quick and easy so everyone can live their dream.

Warmest regards
Maxine Wright

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